Genesis is an incorporated body, charitable institution, and a deductible gift recipient. This means that donations over $2 are allowable deductions for income tax under item 1, section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act, 1997. We reserve the right to redirect designated funds to the area of greatest need.
Ways to give
You can make a donation by:
cheque or money order – make cheques payable to "Genesis" and mail to PO Box 223, Cannington, Western Australia, 6987
direct debit transfer
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Branch: Cannington
BSB: 066134
Account: 10134660.
Instructions for direct debit transfers
When making a payment via the internet, please include your name in the memo line, and send a confirmation email with your name and address so that a receipt can be mailed to you for taxation purposes.
Receipts are sent every quarter to regular sponsors and within 4 weeks for one-time gifts.
How we use donations
As we do not pay salaries, every dollar donated is used for our overseas work. Administration expenses are covered by the interest on our investments.